Shifting Perspectives

Fall 2023 Update

ATTENTION: Undergraduate Women of Color in Biology!

We are interested in learning about the experience of the ~1,070 women of color biology majors here on campus!


  • You must be a woman of color biology undergraduate student at SFSU
  • Participate in two separate (first interview will be around 75min and the second 60min)

Participants will receive:

  • A $50 after completing the second interview.


The contents of the interviews will be held confidential; results will only be shared anonymously with the consent of the interviewee. Participation in these interviews can be scheduled on or off campus.

To get started

Fill out a quick (5-10min) survey on Qualtrics to confirm your interest in participating in the study.

To learn more about this study, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Shifting Perspectives Call Out Flyer Fall 2023